
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Skittles Vodka

Yesterday I shared the cake I made for my sister's 21st birthday, well today I want to share the gift I made for her. When I first started getting into Pinterest, I came across this cool picture of what looked liked Skittles vodka. So I clicked the pin and it took me to a blog called Holly's Helpings and there it was, a recipe for Skittles vodka. I thought this would be a perfect gift to give to my sister. Now the recipe on her blog is for a big batch that you can do for party favors, I just needed one of each color. Therefore if you plan on making a bunch follow the link to her blog for the instructions.

Skittles Vodka
1 bag of Skittles
5 mini bottles of vodka, your choice

What I did for my small batch of Skittles vodka was I got out five glasses and poured each bottle of vodka into each glass. Next I put about 6 skittles, of the same color, into each glass. Stir occasionally, cover and let sit for about 24 hours until dissolved (it may text less than 24 hours so just check back often). When done strain the vodka through some coffee filters into another glass, repeat if necessary. Using a funnel pour the vodka back into their original containers and enjoy :)

This is the gift I put together for my sister. I used a jumbo margarita glass as the basket and I filled it with a bunch of drinking things.

Here is a close up of the shot glasses I made her with her name in rhinestones.


  1. where did you get the miniature bottles from

  2. I bought them at Beverages and More (BevMo.
