
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Honey-Lime Chicken Skewers

I wanted to make something good for dinner tonight, so before work this morning I searched Pinterest in hopes to find something good to eat. Within minutes a tasty looking picture caught my eye so I instantly repined it and followed to the pin to the original site. The recipe was called Homey-Lime Chicken Skewers and the recipe looked extremely easy and I had most of the ingredients already. So I made a list of the things I did not have and  headed off to work, followed by the grocery store to pick up the needed items. As soon as I got home I got to marinating, because the chicken would need at least an hour to marinate, and I did not want to be eating dinner too late. Not knowing if we were going to like this recipe or not we gave it a chance and after first bite Tomas and I both agreed that this will definitely have to be made again. I especially knew it was a hit when I saw Tomas get up for seconds, that is usually a sign that what I made was good. :) On top of that it was gone in no time because his brother and sister loved it too. Unfortunately, for me there were no leftovers left for me to have for lunch tomorrow.  

Honey-Lime Chicken Skewers 

3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
juice of one lime
2 garlic cloves, minced
1-2 teaspoon Siracha
red pepper flakes, to taste
2 tablespoon cilantro
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breasts

In a small bowl, combine your ingredients, through the cilantro. Mix thoroughly. Pour marinade over chicken breasts and turn to coat. Cover and allow to marinate for at least 1 hour. Grill on medium high heat for 6 to 8 minutes per side, until juices run clear.

The website the recipe came from was Kitchen Meets Girl

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Beth and Jasey Rae's Baby Shower Cake

Today was my friend Beth's baby shower. She is very lucky because soon she will be having a little girl named Jasey Rae. I felt lucky too because I was asked to make the cake for the special occasion. The design of the cake was Beth and her Mom's idea, I helped to bring their design to life. The bottom tier of the cake was a four layer strawberry cake and the top tier of the cake was a four layer pink champagne cake, making the cake an 8 layer cake all together. To make the ruffles on the bottom tier I used Wilton tip # 124. The ribbon on the second cake was just regular ribbon. I made the polka dots a couple days in advance with royal frosting and placed them on the cake with butter cream frosting when it was time. The J on the top was a wood cutout on a stick. I used royal frosting to glue down edible pearl sprinkles to the J, I also made this a couple of days in advance. Overall I feel this was one of the best cakes I ever made. It was also the tallest cake I ever made. Everyone loved it, most importantly Beth loved the cake and that made me extremely happy. :)  

An up-close look at the J covered in edible pearl sprinkles.

A closer look at the top tier of the cake with polka dot decorations. As well as a look at the ribbon and bow.

The bottom tier of the cake decorated with ruffles.

Another view of the beautiful cake I made for Beth and Jasey Rae.  :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tomas Law School Book Graduation Cake

First off I would love to say congratulations to my wonderful boyfriend Tomas on Graduating Law School I'm so proud of you. For those of you that don't know Tomas, he just spent the last four years in Law School where he studied just about everyday. So I felt he deserved a wonderful cake to celebrate his graduating. So the day before, while he was off at school studying for the bar, I made a cake with out him knowing and when finished I put it in our mini fridge and made sure he never went in there. On the morning of the graduation he came into the living room to the surprise of the table being decorated with confetti and balloons and in the center of the table was his book cake. Which at first quick glance he thought I just put his books on the table, but as he came closer he realized that the books were a cake. He loved the cake so much he took pictures of it and showed his friends. He then proceeded to tell me how much he loved his cake and it was the best cake anyone ever made for him. That made me so happy to hear.

This cake was actually very easy to make. The bottom red  book was a 9x13 red velvet cake that I cut in half and stacked on top of each other. The top blue book is actually a rice krispie treat which was also made into a 9x13 pan that I then cut in half and stacked on top of each other also. First I frosted the red book and decorated it to look just like Tomas Law book. To make the pages on the book I used Wilton Tip #48. after finishing the red book I moved on to the blue one which I also decorated to look like his law book. Instead of putting the edition of the books or publishers names, I put his school name and the year he graduated in their place. I even put "Congrats Tomas" in the place of those things as well. The finished product came out great and most importantly Tomas loved it and that is what matters most to me.  :)

The side view of Tomas book cake.

The table that I decorated and surprised Tomas with the morning of his graduation :)

Tomas and me. I am so proud of him :)

My mom, Tomas and I.

Congratulations Tomas!!!